Welcome to Core Concept Technology! We're a technology integration company that helps you with your network infrastructure needs. Our mission is to help your business streamline its operations and increase your productivity and profitability. From structured cabling and installations to wireless surveys and RFID solutions, we've got your needs covered. Below, we'll go over a few of our many network integration services. Contact our team to get started!
A wireless site survey or an RF (radio frequency) site survey is where a company assesses your wireless network and offers up upgrades and improvements. This can not only increase the speed of your internet, but will determine any interference points, as well as the maximum range of your coverage. A wireless site survey is the first step in wireless network design and is crucial in order to optimize your signal strength and more.
Wireless system integration helps you increase your connectivity and productivity within your company or business as your internet service will be more reliable and faster. Our wireless upgrade process is quick and efficient, ensuring minimal interruption to your business. Once implemented, you will see a noticeable difference almost instantly.
Structured cabling is the complete system of cabling and hardware that supports your telecommunication infrastructure. It supports your data, voice, video, and other management systems, including your security system and your energy system. This system can be big, so it's broken down into smaller elements that each serve a function. When you invest in layer one cabling with Core Concept Technology, you'll save time, money, and reduce the downtime of your telecommunication systems.
RFID stands for Radio Frequency Identification. An RFID system is used to travel inventory and assets by using radio frequency waves to transfer the data. Basically, you tag the item you want to track, and now these can be read wirelessly. RFID has a long history, beginning in World War II where it was used to identify if your airplane was a friend or a foe. Every year, it gets better. Common uses are for businesses to tag merchandise to cut down on losses from shoplifting and for hospitals to tag their equipment so that they can easily find one when it's needed.
Core Concept Technology offers many different services in order to help your business run smoothly and operate efficiently. Since technology is such a big part of everyone's lives, it's important that you have the very best systems in place that all work together seamlessly, so you can focus on getting your job done.
Our IT infrastructure services company offers incredible services to optimize your business operations. When your network infrastructure is fully integrated with all of your other systems, you'll notice a huge difference and impact in your business operations. If you are client-facing, nothing is worse than having "technical difficulties" in front of clients. When you're in an office setting, a downed server will mean lost production time. Our wireless surveys can help you identify these trouble spots, as well as offer up solutions. Contact us today to get started!